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Choosing a Broker
Before you can trade online, you have to select an online broker. Your online broker will execute your trades and store your money and cash balances in an account. The online trading industry has seen lots of mergers and acquisitions, but there are still many firms to choose from. Different firms also offer different levels of help, account types, and other services. Here are some things you should keep in mind as you look for a broker.
Some sites, such as Keynote and SmartMoney, rate online brokerages based on success rates, customer service response time, trading tools and other factors. They can help you make a decision as you shop around for the best trading site for your needs, but keep in mind that there are no official standards for ranking or evaluating brokerages.
As with any site that requires your personal and financial information, you should make sure your online broker has good security measures, including automatic logouts and transmission encryption. You should also make sure your brokerage is reputable. The Investing Online Resource Center has a good list of links you can use to make sure your firm is legitimate.